Is This Real Life??

I have officially been in Italy for a week, and I am more and more amazed every day.

I live five minutes from countless gelaterias and cafes. I walk by Duomo every single day, and yet I am never less amazed at its awestriking beauty. The number of sites I have been able to see and the amazing people I have already met are just incredible. I can already tell this semester is going to be one for the books.

As I mentioned, I'm only a week in and I've already done all of this:

  • made great friends
  • trecked up to the Piazzo Michaelangelo for a view of Florence
  • discovered a speakeasy on the block of my apartment
  • karaoke
  • had the best gelato in the world
  • took as many cliche photos as you could imagine at the Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • went to the Cathedral and Baptistry in Pisa
  • found some incredible shopping locations 
  • walked across the river and Ponte Vecchio
  • found a Jazz Club a block away from my apartment 
  • learned a few Italian words and phrases 
  • joined a gym to help with all the pasta 
  • climbed the tower in Sienna and saw what may be the best view I've yet to see in my life
  • awed at the cathedrals in Sienna
  • walked an average of 10 miles every day 
  • and ate at countless incredible restaurants like Buca Mario in Florence and Osterias in Pisa 
Every day as I walk around Florence I am continually finding new shops, cafes, and just simply beautiful architecture. It's safe to say I won't be getting bored anytime soon. The culture and history of this city is everything I expected and more. The attention to detail and timelessness of the architecture is something we just don't see being done anymore. The art and cathedrals have been thought out and completed to perfection all for the glory of God. 

One thing I've noticed that's quite opposite from the United States is their lack of urgency. The people here will take their time to enjoy an espresso in the morning, rest in the afternoon, and spend a few hours dining at night. Tasks we tend to view as simply eating, Italians see as an experience and chance for enjoyment. They try to live life beautifully every day and don't get so caught up in what can be a tiring hustle and bustle of America. I cannot wait to see what else I learn about the culture of this breathtaking city. 



  1. So happy you get to experience this adventure!

  2. God IS Good! Hope to share Paris with you. Ciao! Bella


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