The Power of Prayer

Growing up in the church and a Christian family, prayer has always been a part of my life. However, if I'm being honest I never did much prayer or talking to God on my own until my junior or senior year of high school. Once I finally realized the difference between religion and a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, my prayers became intentional. They no longer felt like something I was doing because I thought it's what I was supposed to; instead, they became something I did because I loved talking to God.

I have had really big prayers and much smaller prayers over the last few years of my life. Some have been answered yes, some have been answered no, and some I'm still waiting on. The yes's felt great, and the no's were really just God's way of letting me know He had something better in mind. Either way, it was all evidence of His goodness and how powerful prayer can be.

I learned that there is no better listener than God, no better comfort than God, and no one as wise as God. It can be a tough pill to swallow when God says no because He has something that's actually better for you, or when His yes looks a bit different than what you had in mind, but the joy from seeing a prayer answered is second to none.

Just recently I had a prayer I'd been laying on God's heart for about three years start to be answered. THE JOY! I was grinning from ear to ear and in awe of GOD'S GOODNESS! Woah. He really loves us so much that He not only provides for us, He always has our best in mind.

Give your worries, anxieties, and troubles to God. Give Him your dreams, hopes, and desires, and
don't forget to give Him praise. Give Him the little stuff, and give Him the really big stuff, too. Talk to Him when you're in the car, in the shower, and before you go to sleep at night. Talk to God in the middle of the day when something comes across your mind; it's okay to let the conversation be short and sweet. The way you talk to God doesn't have to look the same as anyone else. My favorite time to talk with God is on my drives to and from Ames. Prayer is powerful. It can truly change your relationship with Christ, your life, and the life of someone else, too.

There's nothing God can't do, so don't ever think your prayer is too big for Him. Be patient with His answer; I promise He hears you. Remember, I had a really big prayer that took three years to see results. If you look in Genesis, it took Abraham and Sarah 90 years of patience before they saw God fulfill His promise to them.

If I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times more: God loves you and the power of prayer will change your life.
