Just Give Your College Kid A Hug

We have officially reached it. What is it you may ask? It is the time of year where every college student is just one spilt glass of milk or broken pencil away from a breakdown. Many schools offered a short Fall Break earlier in the semester, but some schools- like Iowa State- go all the way till Thanksgiving without a break.

Either way, by this point in the semester, we have approaching due dates for group projects, papers, and presentations. Plus, the last round of exams before finals. I know I personally have two essays, a group presentation, a large project, and four exams before Thanksgiving Break. Clubs and student organizations are trying to squeeze in their last meetings, tours, and more before the semester ends. Interviews for spring/summer jobs and internships are underway, and everyone is registering for classes. Flu and cold season is in full swing, and it's cold and gets dark at like 6:00 pm now. 

Don't get me wrong, I and most other college students love the life we get to live right now. There's freedom, new experiences, friends that feel like family, and opportunities to find what we're really passionate about. However, there's also new stress, anxiety, and failure; all of which we may still be figuring out how to deal with best.

College is a time to find out what you value, who you are, and who you hope to become... but we could still use some help while we find our way. So if you know a college student or even a college-aged kid already out in the workforce or at a trade school, show them some extra love this month. A hug, a nice text, a phone call, a care package, or just some extra money for groceries would all go a long way. I know a text from one of my parents, an email from my Grandma Jan, or surprise gas money all make my day.

And I have to give a special shoutout to some very special ladies back home who absolutely made my week with the best care package ever! Funny how just two days after I started writing this post some extra love was sent my way. Michelle, Bobbi, Mollie, Charlie, and Frankie- you guys made my week! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This post is short and sweet, but I have little time to spare and this message is a simple one. Love your college-aged kiddos extra hard this month, and I'm sure they'll love you back just as hard when they can finally come home for break.
