So I Got a Tattoo...

I had wanted a tattoo for a while, but I wasn't going to get one just for the sake of it- I wanted it to mean something. About the end of April is when I knew I wanted it to remind me of God and the love, grace, and mercy He shows me. I brainstormed, came up with a list of phrases, and decided to pray on it.

The first Sunday in May I went to Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines with my small group from Kairos. Throughout the sermon, I heard Pastor Mike say "God is greater" various times. When I looked back through my notes later that day I realized I had written that phrase down, bolded it, and circled it multiple times. At that moment I knew that was what I wanted to have on me forever: "God is greater."

This is a phrase that brings me the utmost comfort. God is greater than anything and everything, and He is in control of it all. He's greater than my fears, doubts, shame, sin, and flaws. He's also greater than this world and all the pain, trouble, and sorrow it brings. His image of who I am is greater than the worlds, and His love conquers all. The plan He has for me is so much greater than my own.

If I had to sum up everything I learned in my first year of college (you know, non-school related of course), "God is greater" would do it just about perfectly. I've grown to lean on Christ versus myself. To "do what I can and then take it to God." I learned that I will always have someone fighting for me, loving me, and walking with me through this life. I don't have to live up to the world's standards because God thinks I'm already worth it. There's nothing I could go through He hasn't already defeated and there's nowhere I could go He hasn't already been. I feel a real freedom in knowing He holds it all in His hands.

Now the other significant aspect of my tattoo is the lettering; it's my Grandpa Ron Elliott's handwriting. My grandpa is probably the best person I know, and if you know him I'm sure you could say the same. He's kind, wise, hard-working, compassionate, caring, and just all-around amazing. He is always willing to lend a hand and to help others in their time of need, and I've never seen someone who makes friends and converses with others with such ease. He was my first date when I was about four years old, and he's the person whose advice I value most. He never lets me forget just how loved and cherished I am. My grandpa has been such a huge support through this season of my life, and the best example of how to live each day for Christ. I feel so lucky to be his granddaughter.

I've had my tattoo since the first weekend in June when I went to Big Brain in downtown Omaha with my best friend Marissa. (Side note: cannot recommend that place enough- so clean and they make you feel very comfortable!)  I realize that some of you reading this may not be so thrilled with the ideas of tattoos, and that's totally okay. I admit that at one point in my life I would have never considered getting one myself. However, this tattoo has given me one of the greatest gifts.

Many people will ask me what is says or whose handwriting it is. This allows me to explain my why behind getting it and, eventually, who and how great God is. There is nothing in this world that brings me greater joy than getting to share the word of God and how much He loves us. My tattoo is one more way to get that conversation started.

Our main purpose in life is to glorify the Lord while spreading the good news and simply enjoying our relationship with Him. Every time I catch a glimpse of my tattoo while I'm in the middle of doing something extremely ordinary, I am reminded of how incredibly unordinary God is. I can't help but smile and burst with joy, and I think that's pretty amazing.


  1. I love your love for and faith in God. I so lucky to have you as my daughter ❤️ - so lucky God gave me you.

  2. Love, love, love this blog. Loved reading , love the tattoo, love the story behind it, love that it is in Grandpa Ron's handwriting, love that it brings you God's peace and joy and most importantly it serves as a way to spread God's word and loved. Loved sharing this with post with Sophie. Thank you!


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