My State Fair

Nothing Compares to the Iowa State Fair! You know it, I know, and everyone in this great nation should probably know it, too. People from all walks of life come together for 11 days and celebrate the great state of Iowa. I've been going to the fair for as long as I can remember. Here are a few of my highlights:

-my Grandma Brich coming with us a few months before she would be diagnosed with lung cancer
-spending one entire Sunday with just my mom before seeing Daya and Jason Derulo with friends
-competing in the Iowa State Fair Queen Competition
-watching my Grandpa Ron win Iowan of the Day
-the year Zach and Kent figured out the large mass hanging from the big boar is well... you know... (I don't think two little boys have ever laughed so hard)
-riding the Ye Old Mill
-giving a working exhibit presentation in the 4-H building
-receiving a blue ribbon on one of my pieces of art
-"buying" a popsicle from the general store at Little Hands on the Farm
-then getting to volunteer at Little Hands on the Farm last summer
-having corndogs for breakfast
-watching Vocal Trash
-holding a snake that could probably eat me
-going down the giant slide

I think you can see why I feel such a strong passion for and connection to the Iowa State Fair. To me, it represents some of the best moments of my life. Just being on the fairgrounds makes me smile and reminds me of how blessed I feel to have grown up in Iowa.

While at the fair my absolute favorite thing to do is walk down the Avenue of Breeds. I find it so cool how all these different animals are in one building for everyone to see. I could do this every day of the fair and still not get tired of it. I already find cows adorable, and then you show me miniature cattle. How could I not enjoy that?

Something else I truly love about the Iowa State Fair is how even with all the modernization that has come in recent years, the emphasis on agriculture, education, and our future is still the same. It has countless ways for kids and adults to become educated on the importance of agriculture in America. Countless ways to expose people from the city or non-farming areas to what taking care of livestock and crops actually looks like. It's a place for everyone to show off their hard work and get some of the recognition they deserve.

Now, this is just my opinion, but it seems the rest of America is starting to forget how crucial the midwest is to this country. It's not entirely their fault; they haven't had the same opportunities to become educated on just what it is the midwest and farmers actually do. Iowa itself is responsible for 1/11 of the food in the US, and it the largest producer of corn, pork, and eggs in the United States according to the IADG. Growing up in the midwest and being a 4-H and FFA participant has made me really proud of what Iowa does for this country, agriculture wise and more. I really appreciate how the Iowa State Fair shows that off.

I, of course, cannot possibly finish a blog post on the ISF and not even mention how delicious all the fair food is, too. My personal favorites are a beef sundae from the Iowa Cattlemen's Tent, a pork chop on a stick from the Iowa Pork Producer's tent, Barksdale's chocolate chip cookies, and any corndog. But I haven't even put a dent into the endless list of food items, especially the amount that comes on a stick. Looks like I'm going to have to keep going back for more.

This state, these people, and this fair are truly one of a kind. Nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair.

Works Cited:
IADG. “Value-Added Agriculture - Food Ingredients.” Iowa Area Development Group, 2019,


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