Shoutout to My Momma

My relationship with my mom has always been one full of love, but to say we were always best friends would be a lie. When you're young you think you're mom is a superhero. During middle school, I went through the usual phase of thinking she was totally not cool, and sometimes I truly avoid spending time with her. As I progressed through high school I began to realize more and more that my mom really is my best friend.

She is the person I have gone to with my hardest problems. She has never once judged me for a mistake I have made. She has put her own needs on the backburner for me more than once. She has laughed with me til we cried. She has let me cry on her shoulder when I was hurt/sad. She has been my biggest fan and loudest cheerleader my entire life. She showed me how to show up and care for the people I love. She has taught me how to be strong and have courage when I was going through a tough season of life. She has taught me how to celebrate all the blessings and joys in my life, too. She has shown me what a relationship with Christ looks like and how to live each day praising him. 

If I showed up on her doorstep in a month and told her I dropped out of college and lost all my money through an email scam, my mom would accept me and love just as I am. That is unconditional love. To say I would be nowhere near where I am at this point in my life without her is an understatement.

My mom deserves the world, yet she finds her true joy from her God and her family. I swear if I turn into half the woman she is this world better watch out.

I realized that some of you reading this may not have the best relationship with your own mom. Maybe that is the result of something completely out of your control, or maybe you played a small part in it. Either way, I am here to say the love I get from my mother is unconditional, but if that is not the case for you do not fret. I know a God in Heaven who will show you all the unconditional love you could ever need.

If you thought my mom sounded amazing (which she is so idk why you wouldn't think that), just wait until you hear about the Lord. Everything my mom has done for me, he has done even more for all of his children. So who are these lucky kids? All of us! We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and how lucky are we to have a Father who shows us unconditional love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy when we have done absolutely nothing to deserve it? I would say we hit the jackpot.

So here's a shoutout to my Mom for giving me the love I do not deserve, but here's an even bigger shoutout to God for showing both of us (and all of you) the love we never could deserve. 
